– Mikko Ahonen

JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Bioeconomy Institute, Smart Agriculture expert & researcher, August 2024-

Päivölä Institute, Teacher and planner ( February-May 2024)

Tampere University, Post-doc researcher, Smart Agriculture and Entrepreneurship -project, November 2022-December 2023

Kainuun opisto (a private school) (August 2022-October 2022)

Safer Tech Education non-profit (earlier name: Wireless Education non-profit) (2015-  )

Päivölä Institute, Cyber Business Program. Program manager and teacher.  In co-operation with Jyväskylä University.
(July 2020-May 2021 ) + PSIL (Päivölä Student Innovation Lab), Coding lab,  Manager (August 2020-May 2022)

Executive Director,  Finnish Radiation Safety Association (July 2021-December 2021)

In professor, MD Lennart Hardell’s research group, special area: dosimetry / measurements (2014-  )

Mid Sweden University, Post-doc researcher
(October 2016 -September 2018 )

– Information systems

– Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS)

– Open data

– Sustainable computing

Sustainable Mobile Ltd (Oy), partner


– RF, IF and ELF measurements in workplaces, homes and schools

– Noise voltage, voltage transients and other EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) mitigation. With grid measurements and filter installations. Related to inverters, drives, pumps, rectifiers and smart meters.

– Risk-management workshops and lectures in English, in German, in Finnish, in Swedish and in Russian

– (Past) Company name in Finnish: Suomen Säteilykontrolli

University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences, INFIM

Researcher (July 2008-August 2015, November-December 2018)

– Bioelectromagnetics (epidemiological studies, dosimetry studies)

– Open innovation, creativity and information systems

– Green IT and sustainable computing

University of Tampere, Department of Management

Researcher (March 2008-June 2008)

– Management and information systems

– Ethics and leadership

University of Tampere, Hypermedia Laboratory

Researcher (2001-2007)

– Researcher, Parteco Tekes Project: Open Innovation, creativity, social media and information systems (August 2006-January 2008)

– On research grant between July 2005 and June 2006

– Researcher, “E-Learning and expertise development using web-Conferencing” – a Finnish Work Environment Fund (Työsuojelurahasto) Project. (January 2005-August

– Assistant Professor (January 2005-July 2005)

– Project Manager, MOBIlearn EU IST project: mobile learning and usability research + XML-based user interface development utilising Jetspeed and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) (http://www.mobilearn.org) (July 2002-March 2005)

– Project Manager, Digital Learning Tekes project, mobile learning evaluation research
(http://www.digilearning.org) (September 2001- March 2003)

– Open Innovation, creativity, creative problem-solving, applied imagination, opportunity finding, innovation, innovation management systems, tools and software platforms
(researching, teaching and consulting)

Mobile learning, e-learning, telework, teamwork and ubiquitous computing (researching, teaching and consulting)

Knowledge management, document management, project management and process management (teaching and consulting)

Social media, RSS-technologies, aggregators, Web 2.0, SOA, SEO, blogs, wikis (researching, teaching and consulting)

TeliaSonera Ltd

Program Manager (Collaborative Commerce) 2000-2001

– R&D in Collaborative Commerce, ASP Application Service Provisioning

– Mobile user interfaces

– Knowledge, project, process and document management support

– Open Text Livelink administration and expertise

– Intranet, Extranet and partnering scenario planning

– Knowledge Management –model and groupware implementation

– Business negotiations with European and American partners

Institute for Extension Studies, University of Tampere (Tampereen yliopiston täydennyskoulutuskeskus)

Project Manager (Erikoissuunnittelija) 1995-2000

– Consulting of SMEs in the Taitava Yritys (Skillful Enterprise) -project. This consulting contract was related to electronic commerce, networking strategy and overall IT infrastructure development. With consultant Ljk Heikki Saranen (1997-1999)

– International R&D project negotiator and contact. Adapt-Bis Infotech and EU V-Framework Information Society Technologies. Co-operation with partners in telework and electronic commerce area.

– Researcher and Board member. TEKES Distance Education in Multimedia Networks (Etäopetus Multimediaverkoissa) -project (1996-1998)

eLearning platform and service development. (Verkkopaja + WebCT) (1997-1999)

Educator and training coordinator. eLearning, video conferencing, computer supported co-operative work, tutoring and teacher training.

TKA-Yhtymä Ltd
Computer support (ATK-tukihenkilö) 1991-95
– Unix-support, Win NT-based LAN installations, Hansa-financial software support, hardware installations

Tietokolmio Ltd
Programmer and IT support 1988-1989
– Financial software development with Visual Basic.
– Database programming with Dbase IV
– Hardware and software installations

Other jobs:
Computer salesman, Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Academic Bookstore Ltd (1990)
Warehouse clerk, Pelma Ltd (1987-88).

Researcher, Educator