Projects –
Mikko Ahonen

CURRENT PROJECTS (&references):

Risk-management courses & webinars

I have lectured about risk-management of mobile devices/IT and had workshops in enterprises , organisations and schools since 2008.  Focus has been minimising health risks, preventing addiction and generally digital detox. I have had presentations about risk management in English, in German, in Swedish,  in Finnish and in Russian. Glad to arrange more webinars and courses with you!

Risk Management, Health & IT -References:

– City of Helsinki / IT-department, Helsinki
– City of Kokkola/Karleby,
– CJD Königswinter Christophorusschule, Königswinter
– Danish parliament, Copenhagen
– Finnish Parliament, Citizen corner (Eduskunnan kansalaisinfo) x 2
– Haga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki
– FELO, Oslo
– Kivioja Primary school, Ylivieska
– University of Jyväskylä, Teacher Training School, Jyväskylä x 2
– Alzheimer association, Örnsköldsvik
– Handicapped association, Örnsköldsvik
– Kainuun opisto, Paltamo
– Solbackens Kindergarten, Delsbo
– Såka primary school, Karleby
– Rudolf Steinerskolan, primary & high school, Helsinki
– Siivikkala Primary school, Ylöjärvi
– Soppeenharju High School, Ylöjärvi
– Tampereen Steiner-koulu, primary school, Tampere
– Sylvään school, Sastamala
– Medborgarinstitutet, Kristinestad
– Vågbrytaren/ABF-huset, Stockholm
– Ylästön primary school, Vantaa


Video (above): “Riskhantering – hur väljer och använder man mobila teknologier för att minimera hälsoriskerna” in ABF-huset in Stockholm in Children’s health-conference (i Hur mår våra barn-konferens). Presentation in Swedish. Diabilder/slides in Swedish:  .

EMF/EMC/EMI-measurements in workplaces and homes

I have measured hundreds of private homes and several companies (buildings) since 2008, creating healthier workplaces and/or solving an EMI-problems.

I have taken ELF and RF measurement courses in Germany by an engineering company (Dr. Moldan) and a measurement device manufacturer (Gigahertz Solutions GmbH).

With Bajog electronic GmbH we focused on Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) and Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) issues, filtering and measurements.

Our research related EMC/EMI/EMF-measurements  with PhD candidate Tarmo Koppel have been and are constantly very useful and interesting. In this context I have worked with the Institute of Environmental Health and Safety, Tallinn, Estonia.

Since 2020 has started measurement collaboration with PolarLifeHaus. to find a healthier places to build a house and to evaluate EMF-levels and EMI-problems in existing houses.

(Earlier, between 2008-2016  I, my father and my wife did workplace and home electromagnetic fields (EMF) & EMI -measurements through Sustainable Mobile Oy/Ltd (now shut-down family company) in Finland. )

– Finnish Coastal Guard
– Destia
– Fortum Ltd
– Polarlifehouse Ltd
– Umeå city, Sweden
– Digiman Ltd
– Caruna Ltd
– Frantsila Wellbeing Center
– UPM-Kymmene

Safer Tech Education – E-Learning Courses -Digital Detox

This initiative & non-profit is about risk management of mobile devices. We have courses and quizzes for teachers, parents, children, employers and employees.

Safer Tech Education Logo

My work is focused here on e-learning and EMF/bioelectromagnetics research -areas. (Wireless Education is a non-profit foundation.) If you are interested to provide risk management courses for a company or for a school or for an educational institution, please, let me know.

With HR and CEOs we discuss about time management, interruptions and addiction control. We even make it possible for companies to help local schools after they have had a risk-management course for their personnel.


E-learning and mobile learning

I have worked in several distance education, e-learning and mobile learning projects. As a background, I have M.Sc. in educational sciences from 1998. The biggest e-learning project where I have worked was EU IST MOBIlearn 2002-2005.  After this project I got interested in health risk management of mobile learning.  I have also practical 15 year experience on Learning Management System (LMS) administration, tutoring and have worked also with videoconferencing systems. At the University of Tampere I have been teaching and lecturing between 1992-2000 and 2000-2015.

Presentation (above): Mobile Learning and Health Risks – Implications for Pedagogical and Educational Practices.  Maybe world’s first presentation about health risk-management of mobile learning (Online Educa Berlin-conference, 2008).

Electromagnetic fields -based treatments and  PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields)

I have discussed in many workshops about ‘the other side of the coin’, namely treatments based on EMFs. I have also demonstrated the mechanisms behind various treatment devices.

Already in 2012 I was talking with MDs, researcher and health experts about this in FinnMedi REACT 12 biotechnology seminar:

This non-invasive treatment area is growing and I am happy (again) to have a presentation about it.

Healthier information systems

Since I have PhD in information systems (computer science), my PhD Thesis and several other publications are already focused on this area. I have had several presentations about necessary IT-architecture elements in scientific and practical conferences. I am currently ready to develop these IT systems further with capable partners. 

Biolectromagnetics and EMF risk management research

Have previously worked as a researcher in this research area at the University of Tampere, Finland. Currently I i continue as a researcher and have also worked for the Institute of Environmental Health and Safety, Tallinn, Estonia.

Have published together with PhD candidate Tarmo Koppel. Lately worked with Koppel in Professor, MD Lennart Hardell’s research group with dosimetry studies:

Funding from Kone Foundation, 2 times (this is a very difficult area to get funding). Had lectures and presentations  about this area in various universities & conferences.

Work with RF & EMC -standards:

Since I have done workplace and home measurements, I am familiar especially with EMF-standards (ICNIRP, FCC, TCO etc) and Recommendations (like SBM-2015 and EUPAEM EMF 2016). I have had university lectures of RF radiation and it’s standards at the University of  Tampere and University of Turku. Have co-operated with standard-based measurements with Turku Polytechnical University. Lately I have been learning the new Directive 2013/35/EU and it’s requirements. I have also worked with EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and related CENELEC standards. This EMI work has been related to voltage transients and how these interfere PLC (Power-Line Communication). These are important issues related to smart meters.

References: Bajog electronic GmbH

RF-standards related presentation (above). Glad to present it again in a university, in a conference or as a webinar.

Information systems and open innovation – PhD Thesis 

My thesis was finalised in 2011 in the area of information systems (computer science). I have studied how information systems can support inventing, creativity and open innovation. I also worked in the Tekes Parteco project at the University of Tampere and then I studied open innovation practices of Ericsson Ab/Ltd. Earlier, in 2007 I had a research visit and lectures at Lero (the Irish Software Research Center), University of Limerick. In addition to academic credentials, I have B.Sc. in Computing and have done practical programmer and IT expert work in 1980’s and 1990’s. Information systems related expertise was also useful when I worked with Collaborative Commerce area at TeliaSonera (2000-2001). My PhD thesis instructor was professor (emeritus) Pertti Järvinen, University of Tampere. Professor Mikko Ruohonen, University of Tampere supported greatly my work during that process. I am grateful to professor Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick being able to present my work and discuss about it in Ireland.

Chronic Exposure – http://www.chronicexposure

Research & Risk management service related to mobile phone base stations (cell towers), radars, Wi-Fi and other transmitters. This is like a hobby to me, to update newest research and news (as Twitter tweets: ). Currently perhaps the biggest mobile phone base stations related info-site in the world.  You are welcome to subscribe/follow these news.

Lighting and lamps:

I have worked with wellbeing -focused lighting. Have had 3 workshops on healthier lighting. (Visible) light is an essential part of my work with non-ionising radiation. Problematic nowadays are poor quality LED-lamps and dimmers. Currently measuring light quality/properties with several measurement devices.  Glad to arrange a workshop again.

Infrasound and generally sound:

I have lately investigated infrasound and it’s measurement challenges related to industry workplaces and wind mills. Have also learned about noise measurements. Music (singing) is my hobby and I have done digital sound processing. Maybe this is the reason, why I have been interested in this area.



During 2016-2018 worked in an R&D project in the Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall, Sweden. This research was focused on e-services, archive, sustainability and open data.

Ergonomics  – Tekes ComatecInno (2009-2010)

This work focused on improving engineer design work and work productivity. Ergonomics was in central place. We prepared a questionnaire to engineers in several Finnish / international organizations and analysed results. Thereafter I visited several big engineering companies (ABB, Kone, Sandvik) , investigated their IT-workspace, checked ergonomics and interviewed engineers about their working methods.

Mobile Learning – EU IST V-Framework project MOBIlearn (2002-2005)

MOBIlearn is still world’s biggest mobile learning R&D project. I was a research group leader focusing on user interfaces.  Worked together with big academic partners like Fraunhofer Institute, Open University and Birmingham University. Business partners were Nokia Mobile Phones, Telefonica and Deutsche Telekom. The MOBILearn project was very much focused on IT-architecture development. However, mobile learning pedagogics -related collaboration with professors Mike Sharples, Josie Taylor and Giasemi Vavoula was extremely interesting to me.

Work safety – Pelma Oy (Ltd)

My father CEO Antti Ahonen had a company 1980’s called Pelma Oy which was focused on work safety. I was that time (in 80’s-, early 90’s) working  there with forest and agriculture safety equipment.

Researcher, Educator